Thursday, April 15, 2010

Springtime - Ideas are Blooming!

The sun is shining, the weather is beautiful and all of a sudden windows of creativity are opening in my mind! Ideas for my Kozy Korner monthly gatherings, resources for teachers and parents, things to share and develop - I'm so excited! I can definitely tell that a new chapter is beginning in my life.

My eventual goal is to open a children's bookstore in Wadsworth. All of the projects and plans that I am working on now will lead to this goal at some point. I am having so much fun with my monthly gatherings. My two current groups - Kozy Korner Book Cafe (grades 1-3) and Kozy Korner Cafe Jr. (ages 3-kindergarten) have now been meeting for 4 months and each month gets better and better. The kids come in enthusiastic about what they are reading and eager to talk about our book-of-the-month. The crafts have been fun and lunch at Whole Day is always enjoyable. There's room for more reading friends if your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, friend-of-a-friend would enjoy participating. Just contact me and we'll get things rolling!

In May I am beginning a third group - Kozy Korner Gatherings for Girls. This group is for girls in grades 3-5. We'll be reading more challenging books that deal with girl issues and fun girl "stuff." Being the mom to sons, it will be interesting to me to see how young girls think!

Yesterday I had a little brainstorm about writing a book!!! I've never really considered that before, even though I love love love to read...I was telling funny stories about what my son Landon had been doing over the past few weeks and realized that they could lead to a great book - one in which we examine some of the "oh no he didn't" moments in our children's lives and the life lessons that we learn from them. So, as that newest wheel of mine begins to spin, I'm inviting you to share some funny stories from your children's "growing up" time - no matter how old they are now! Feel free to add your comment to this post - I'm sure we'd all love to hear about them!

Have a great day everyone - soak up this beautiful sunshine and hug your kids!

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